8 Keys to Instant Feminine Charm; How to be a charming woman (2024)

Think about this, why do you want to be charming in the first place?
Well, here are just a few good reasons…

Men are five times more likely to fall in love with a woman who is charming than a woman who is not.

You suddenly become way more desirable and attractive in men’s eyes when you embody your own inner charms. (…And yes, we can all have feminine charm, no matter how you feel about yourself right now!)

You will notice that people around you will be much nicer to you if you show up as a “charming” girl or woman.

In this article, we’ll talk about what exactly this idea of “charming” means and how you too can become a truly charming woman, soul and individual.

8 Keys to Instant Feminine Charm; How to be a charming woman (1)

Table of Contents

The Psychology Of A Charming Woman

To become charming, you can follow actions steps, but what is important is the psychology of a charming woman.

Just take a moment and visualize a woman whom you think is charming. Can you think of one? It can be a famous lady or it could be someone you know – a good friend. Perhaps your best friend.

It could be a man. Some men are really good at being charming. Although, I tend to associate charisma more with men, and charm more with women.

You probably admire how effortlessly charming this woman/man seems.

It’s known as a quality a lucky few are “blessed” with. Almost like a God-given talent. But it’s not.

You’re probably already charming and you don’t even know it! But it’s good to at least be aware of what works.

What Exactly Is “Feminine Charm”?

If you’re looking for the true meaning of a “charming girl” or “charming woman”, consider this…

Charm is defined as a power of pleasing or attracting, as through personality or beauty; any action supposed to have magical power; to delight or please greatly by beauty; attractiveness; enchant.

At a very basic level, all humans have it in them to please, be attractive to and enchant other human beings.

Any woman can have a magical effect on her friends, her husband or boyfriend, and relatives.

Because at some level, we are all the same. We all have an unsaid and unseen understanding, in one way or another (even though we tend to segregate people in society).

We all have the same basic human needs, and we all experience pain and pleasure of some sort; even though we are all clearly so different.

…And even though other people may seem like they don’t understand you, and sometimes we seem like we humans are worlds apart; we all have that magical power within us.

Do the quiz: Which of these 8 feminine archetypes am i?


How To Be A Charming Lady: The 8 Keys To Follow

Why is charm important anyway?

Well, you will see in the steps I give below, but charm is incredibly important in life.

This is because it allows you to connect with anyone and everyone a little deeper than just the ‘basic’, dreary pleasantries and superficial conversation.

It endears you to others, thereby creating a deeper connection and allowing you more influence.

Not only this, but it attracts people to you – men, women and children alike. Being charming allows you to bring people joy, ecstasy, laughter, fun and to touch their lives in a special, exciting way.

And for you? Well, being charming will help you become a very memorable woman; friend, colleague, lover, mother, daughter, and member of society. All the shapes of woman you can think of.

(What Is The One Specific Emotional Trigger Within Every Single Man in this World That Inspires Him to WANT to Commit to One Woman, Want to Take Care of Her, Worship Her and Only Her?Click here to find out right now…)

As you read through these 8 keys, remember that you don’t need to adopt all these straight away. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

Key Number 1 – See The Humor In Everything

Not everything has to be taken seriously.

If you are always stressed, your magical effect will definitely be suffering. If you laugh at yourself, others will think it’s ok to be themselves around you, and that they won’t be judged and made to feel less around you.

This is actually one of the keys to making a man love you more. Just to have the ability to laugh at yourself, rather than trying to be right, or indulging intense defensiveness as your default state.

Just let go, be free and really laugh. If you have a funny or odd laugh, so be it. That makes you even funnier.

If someone says “you’re weird”, have a laugh about it! Chuckle and say “I know”. After all, everybody is weird. If you’re not weird or ‘different’ in some way, you’re boring.

Sometimes, the key to seeing the humor in things is to be in a humorous, light-hearted, happy mood to start with.

If you’re expecting visitors, or if your boyfriend or husband is due home, and you feel miserable (but must get your mood up for the sake of the people you care about), perhaps you could think of a funny video you can watch on YouTube that you know will always change your state and put you in to a good spirit.

Have some songs, or a few articles/videos tucked away in your bookmarks…

A little old school Jim Carrey always works for me!

Key Number 2 – Don’t Try To Please Everyone

Don’t obsess over whether this or that person is upset with you or perhaps dislikes you.

Easier said than done obviously.

The more you worry about these things, the less you will endear yourself to others. Because you’re really just focusing on yourself (in a bad way). (read my article about pleaser women always lose.

This sucks energy from others, rather than allowing your magnetic and magical abilities to flow. A charming woman has the ability to move on when necessary. Again, easier said than done. But so worth the effort!

Instead, focus on using the power that you do have. You can influence others with good intentions, and you can care more and therefore be more attuned.

Ultimately, these paths are a better bet. The more you worry about their thoughts about you, the more you become a leech and a burden on their life.

Life is really, really short. You don’t have the TIME to obsess over other people’s thoughts about you.

Everybody is already judging you anyway. People are always making judgments about you!

So be it.

Can you control this? Hell, no!

Well, some may think that if they keep obsessing over it, they might eventually be doing the ‘right’ thing.

You cannot do the ‘right thing’ by others all the time.

Sometimes, you may just happen to annoy people accidentally. It happens to everybody. No one is immune to this!

Haters Gonna Hate…

For some, no matter WHAT you do, they’ll just choose to hate you anyway. And it has nothing to do with you. It has everything to do with them.

In effect, if you don’t want to be judged, just do nothing! Strive for nothing! Be nothing, and think nothing.

Just be completely useless! But guess what, people will judge you for that, too!! Surprise! 🙂

If you know other people’s judgments ultimately don’t make a difference to what you do, then you’re well on your way to becoming charming.

Granted, people say hurtful things, and it’s ok to be upset – but it’s really all about not getting so caught up in your own need to be ‘accepted’.

These kinds of people are not charming. They’re more likely to be a turn-off.

Key Number 3 – In Interaction With Others, Be At The Same Energy Level Or Higher

Bounce back on the level of others. Don’t be a drag.

What do I mean? I mean, when you meet someone at a social event or wherever you meet people, and you’re having a conversation, be present and keep the energy up and going between the both of you.

Don’t get too caught up in your own judgments of others and their views that you can’t even carry on a conversation with them and continue being present.

Bouncing back on other people’s level also means to mirror them (copy their facial expressions and mannerisms), and influence them with your energy (this can also be feminine energy of course).

If they’re excited, be excited for them. If they’re upset, judge the situation – maybe it’s better to show sympathy.

Go with your instincts.

If they say something that seems weird to you, that’s not in your way of thinking – just accept it and keep the energy up. Ask them about it; try to understand.

To be charming, magical and endearing, you have to be able to make people feel like you are like them; that you’re a friend.

Key Number 4 – See The Good In Things

Think; where’s the GOOD in this?

What can I do right NOW that will make me feel free and lighten up? What would I need to think, believe, feel or do right NOW, to begin seeing the good side of this situation?

Feeling depressed can be overwhelming, and sometimes you’d rather jump off a tall building than continue on, but there’s always something good in everything.

There’s always something that you can learn.

By the way, a pessimist is not charming.Being a value sucker is not charming.

(Come on, nobody likes a “Debby Downer!”)

Finding the positive meaning in everything is the ability to add value to yourself and others especially when it matters.

When does it matter most? When others are low on their emotional resources and you become their beacon of light.

8 Keys to Instant Feminine Charm; How to be a charming woman (3)

Key Number 5 – Be Present

Whenever you meet, engage with, or see someone, maintain eye contact. Listen and be attentive. Avoid “fidgeting”.

…And don’t stare into space.

Have you ever been saying something to someone, and they look like they are off in space, and you feel like a bit of a donkey for speaking whilst no-one is listening?

And then only to become MORE annoyed when you say “you’re not listening” and they say, “yes I was!” and when you ask them “OK, well, what did I just say?”

And though they’re able to say back to you exactly what you just said, you KNOW they weren’t really listening; it was just that they managed to somehow yank your words out of their memory and regurgitate them to you?

By the way, people are able to do this due to a thing known as the phonological loop, a part of the brain that takes whatever is coming into your ears, and it plays it over and over again for a few seconds in your head after you hear it.

Ta da!

There you have it. An ability to regurgitate what you didn’t truly listen to. (read my article about the difference between listening and not talking)

But don’t do this! A lack of presence negates charm. Again; maintain eye contact, listen and be attentive.

SECRETS REVEALED… Discover how you too can use this little known “Dark Feminine Art” to weed out the toxic men whilst cultivating real emotional attraction with high value high esteemed men. (CLICK HERE to enrol in this free class before it’s gone.)

Key Number 6 – Acknowledge & Understand That There Are 2 Types Of Charm & Charisma Within You

Choose wisely.

A great woman who is confident in herself can utilize both of these with ease, without dampening people’s spirits.

The first type of charm is the kind of charm that comes from focusing solely on others.

The second type of charm is the kind of charm that comes from focusing on yourself. (Like the kind of charm psychopaths tend to exhibit!)

Think about it. Haven’t you met someone who was really into themselves, that would rarely sit down and listen to YOU, but they seemed to be charming anyway?

Something about them endeared you to them, and perhaps it was a friend of yours who wasn’t such a good friend – but you were repeatedly enticed into the friendship again and again?

(You don’t want to be this kind of friend, but the example is there to show you that you can still be charismatic through a focus on yourself).

The key is knowing how to do it without being a downer. A drag of a person.

Admittedly, great charm comes from a focus on others. But a truly charming woman has the ability to be both without trying to prove anything to anybody.

A Charming Woman Doesn’t Have To Prove Anything To Anybody!

She is confident in who she is, and isn’t trying to convince you of anything or sell herself to you.

Why can someone who’s focused on themselves be charming? Because they still manage to engage people. They actually have a way of making people laugh (whether it be at THEM or at something/someone else).

They are generally able to make people feel GOOD.

People who are able to be charming through a focus on themselves often draw you in further to them through their self-focus, and ability to make fun of themselves or intrigue you.

They’re engaging. And engaging is central to being charming.

The word ‘magical’, being a part of the definition of ‘charming’ really is a quality that someone has that makes others happy. That’s what magical is about.

Be aware of the two kinds of charm, and choose wisely. One type of charm/charisma may be more useful than another type at any given time.

But, just in case you think you can’t possibly consciously always think about and focus on choosing which type to utilize, you’re right.

But by being aware, and starting to act on this awareness, you’ll often find that you begin to do things subconsciously and naturally.

But ultimately, if you truly care for others, you can use either charm and be in a win-win situation.

Key Number 7 – Let Go & Be A Kid

Have FUN!! Even when it’s a little taboo to have fun. Children often have a lot of charm, (when they’re in a good mood). Small children don’t care what other people think.

They’re charming because they’re innocent, addicted to adventure and fun, wide-eyed, crazy, able to just be themselves, and they’re full of energy as well as being responsive.

You say ‘poop’ and they laugh their butt off! You pinch their face, and they laugh! You clap your hands, they laugh! You make a silly face, and they laugh, and laugh and laugh!

At first, you just think it’s cute, but by the end, you’re so infected with their energy that you’re laughing too! And you want to be around this baby because he or she makes you feel GOOD!

Next time you see a puddle, jump in it, instead of bitching about it. 🙂

Jump on a trampoline, make FUN a central focus of your life. Relax and let go. If you love fun, you’re charming.

Key Number 8 – Love Your Femininity

Be comfortable in being a woman. Show your feminine charm and don’t be afraid.

Accentuate all the attributes that make you feminine and womanly.

It’s ok to play with your hair, twist it around in your finger, pout, bite your lip, and it’s OK to delight in your new pretty skirt, and twirl it around.

This doesn’t make you an airhead or a dummy, it makes you charming, especially to a man.

If you make a mistake, just go straight back to being the woman that you are. Keep moving forward, and go right ahead and laugh at yourself.

Read this article on what feminine energy is and how to tap into it.

Examples Of Charming Women (& A Few Men)

  • Goldie Hawn
  • Vanessa Paradis
  • Tyra Banks
  • Heidi Klum
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Julia Roberts
  • Clint Eastwood
  • Robin Williams
  • Sean Connery
  • George Clooney
  • Johnny Depp

So What Makes A Woman Charming?

  1. See the humor in things. Be able to laugh at yourself.
  2. Stop trying to please people. When are people judging you? All the time.
  3. In interaction with others, be at the same energy level or higher.
  4. See the good in things
  5. Be present in interaction with others
  6. Acknowledge the 2 types of charm, engage people, and choose wisely.
  7. Let go and be a kid – let the child in you show
  8. Love your femininity, be comfortable in being a woman; accentuate your womanliness

Here’s a bonus tip… you have to know when and when not to give off too many “attraction signals” to men.

As you know, men are visual creatures and these attraction triggers may just “hijack their brain”. Sometimes it’s charming and much more appropriate to show no attraction triggers at all.

You have to be the judge of that and you have to go out there to experience it for yourself.

Over To You…

What do you think makes a woman charming? Do you have any examples of charming women or men? Leave me a comment below and share with all of us!

P.S. CLICK HERE to check out my full article archives! Or you may greatly benefit from one of our highly popular paid programs, CLICK HERE to see what we offer right now.

If you want to be supported by a warm community of high value feminine women, then join our Facebook Group. (It’s free and so incredibly valuable!) CLICK HERE TO join thousands of other women in our “High Value Feminine Women” Community.

By the way, while you’re at it, connect with me on social media.

8 Keys to Instant Feminine Charm; How to be a charming woman (6)

Renee is the founder of The Feminine Woman & co-founder of Shen Wade Media where we teach women how to show up as a high value high status woman whom easily inspires a deep sense of emotional commitment from her chosen man. She graduated with a bachelor of Law and bachelor of Arts majoring in sociology and psychology. She has been a dating and relationship coach for women in the past 15 years and together with her husband D. Shen at Commitment Triggers blog, they have positively influenced the lives of over 20 million women through their articles and videos as well as 10’s of thousands through paid programs through the Shen Wade Media platform.

Connect deeper with her work through the social media links below.

8 Keys to Instant Feminine Charm; How to be a charming woman (2024)


How to be more charming as a female? ›

If you want to be more charming, here are some common traits:
  1. A Sense of Humor. Being funny attracts people. ...
  2. Insight and Passion. A charming person tends to be intelligent, curious and creative. ...
  3. A Positive Attitude. ...
  4. Social Grace and Poise. ...
  5. Eye Contact with Active Listening. ...
  6. An Interest in Others. ...
  7. Curiousity. ...
  8. A Genuine Smile.

How does a man charm a woman? ›

Women love people who have a good sense of humor and who are also able to laugh at themselves. If you want to charm the lady, then you have to show that you don't take yourself too seriously, and that you're comfortable enough with who you are to poke fun at yourself.

What characteristics make a woman charming or charismatic? ›

A charismatic personality can is someone who displays both social and leadership skills. They have warmth and competence that engages and persuades others. These behavioral traits can be learned, such as self-awareness, open body language, active listening, and treating each person you encounter with equal respect.

How to be attractive and charming? ›

How to be Charming: The Art of Social Seduction
  1. #1. Love People.
  2. #2. Converse Well.
  3. #3. Build People Up.
  4. #4. Remember Names & Details.
  5. #5. Acquire As Much Status As Possible.
  6. #6. Make Friends.
  7. #7. Be Smooth.
  8. #8. Stay Positive in Social Adversity.

How can I be extremely charming? ›

As a quick summary, here are the 9 habits of insanely charming and charismatic people:
  1. They are empathetic.
  2. They are humble.
  3. They are vulnerable.
  4. They have a sense of humor.
  5. They are present.
  6. They are genuinely interested in EVERYONE.
  7. They avoid social narcissism.
  8. They are generous and altruistic.
Aug 31, 2022

What is a man's favorite body part of a woman? ›

Faces According to this study, almost 46% of men think that faces matter the most—that's almost half! So, when you're out on the town, you can rest assured that guys are most likely checking out your face before anything else.

What does a man desire most from a woman? ›

Confidence. Confidence is the #1 thing men find sexy in women. Men tend to find it particularly alluring when a woman knows who she is and what she brings to the table. They want a woman who has a strong sense of her own identity and worth as an individual.

What personality types are the most charming? ›

ENTJ types are the most charismatic. They harness all of the intellectual and strategic weight of the others mentioned above but benefit from an extroverted personality, which allows them to connect more frequently and easily with the needs of others.

How do charming people behave? ›

Charming individuals often use open and inviting body language, such as uncrossed arms and relaxed posture. A charming person tends to maintain eye contact while speaking to others. They may lean in slightly towards the person they are speaking to, indicating their focus and attention.

How to increase charisma as a woman? ›

How to be more charismatic
  1. Smile more. ...
  2. Look people in their beautiful eyes. ...
  3. Keep your hands in view and use them to help you speak. ...
  4. Own your oddities. ...
  5. Embrace vulnerability. ...
  6. Listen wholeheartedly. ...
  7. Say their name. ...
  8. Find mutuality.
Dec 22, 2020

How to be more charming as a woman? ›

Charming woman demonstrates a confident and open body language. Her posture is straight, her hands are relaxed but not crossed or held in the pockets. She uses gestures when she speaks to liven up the conversation. Genuine smile is how she meets and greets everyone.

How do you tell you're attractive? ›

Nine ways to notice your attractiveness
  1. You get compliments about your smile. ...
  2. You don't get many compliments. ...
  3. You grab people's attention and make them stare. ...
  4. A person's behavior seems strange or over-attentive. ...
  5. People gravitate toward you. ...
  6. People send you messages or contact you out of the blue.
Apr 10, 2024

How do you tell if you are charming? ›

7 signs you have a charming personality that draws people in
  1. 1) You're a good listener. ...
  2. 2) You make people feel comfortable. ...
  3. 3) You have a positive attitude. ...
  4. 4) You're empathetic. ...
  5. 5) You're authentic. ...
  6. 6) You're respectful. ...
  7. 7) You're confident. ...
  8. Final thoughts.
Jun 10, 2024

How to be more charismatic woman? ›

Try these techniques to build confidence, presence and amiability to become more charismatic:
  1. Manage your nerves. ...
  2. Pace your speech. ...
  3. Talk about what you're passionate about. ...
  4. Listen with intent. ...
  5. Practice eye contact. ...
  6. Ask clarifying questions. ...
  7. Demonstrate a genuine interest. ...
  8. Remember little details.
Jun 28, 2024

What makes people more charming? ›

Maintaining a good eye contact while speaking. Being respectful towards subordinates and strangers. Keeping a faint smile throughout a conversation. Exuding confidence in their gait and posture.

What is the best way to charm a girl? ›

In a Nutshell⁠—How to Attract Any Girl
  1. Don't act on needy impulses. ...
  2. Use body language to build confidence. ...
  3. Get a girl attracted to you: make her laugh. ...
  4. Qualify her with questions that get her to win you over. ...
  5. Ask questions to create an emotional connection. ...
  6. Use physical contact to build sexual tension.

What makes a charming personality? ›

A charming character is typically charismatic, able to easily connect with others, and has a likable quality that draws people in. They have a natural ability to make others feel comfortable and at ease, often using humor, wit, or other social skills to create positive interactions and leave a lasting impression.


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