8 month old Daycare Lunch.... - November 2015 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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Today I feel like I had a good ole' Mom FAIL....

My 8 month old has two teeth and is a Big Boy. He has been eating stage 3 foods at day care along with his bottles.

Today the his teacher asked, "Does your Son eat solid foods?" I said yes and then the teacher suggested that I should start packing him a lunch and bring in solids. She said the my Son seems to be "over" baby food and is ready for solids. It turns out he likes to help himself to his classmates lunch. LOL!

What are you bringing to Day Care for lunch? I have no idea what to bring.

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My LO is still only on purees. Maybe you'd get more answers if you try posting on like sept 2015 board?

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Some finger food we've given are: shredded chicken, meatballs (small pieces), turkey burgers (small pieces), cut up pasta, yogurt, blueberries (quartered), strawberries (cut up), puffs, teething wafers. When I worked in a daycare I've seen people send in soup without the broth so everything was soft!

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My daughter loves finger foods! Some of her favorites are Cheerios, blueberries, banana, peaches, small prices of chicken and pretty much any else she can get her hands on. Even though she only has three teeth but is already a good chewer. I never go anywhere without at least some Cheerios anymore.

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My daughter basically started on solid foods she never wanted purées and only wanted our food. I gave her an apple slice one day and since then it's been pure table food. By the way she also has no signs of teeth.

I do break up everything into small pieces except oatmeal is as is and oatmeal.
Breakfast: eggs, banana, pancakes, egg frittata (make ahead of time and freeze and they reheat), regular oatmeal (5 minute with just water and oats), blueberries, yogurt, strawberries, apples (definitely have to watch her because she somehow bites chunks off), Cheerios, sausage.

Lunch/dinner: sausage, fish, ground meat, chicken, pork chops (broken up into tiny pieces since its firm) , mashed potatoes, pasta, rice, fruits, veggies (all steamed: broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, etc). Basically anything we have had she has had. I haven't given her tomatoes sauce yet but I'm sure I will soon.

Snacks: fruits, puffs, and Gerber crunchy ( I think that's what they are called they are bigger then puffs and can hold onto), and mum mums. Try what your comfortable with to work up to it. I hope this helps.

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How old is ur baby?? Mine still eats puree:/

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She is 8 months will be 9 months on the 21st. All babies are different and ready at different times. She has a 22 month old brother so that probably made her want table food more. She was feeding herself puffs at the beginning of 7 months and didn't want me to feed her and actually chews. She was quicker on table foods than my son, even though he was on table foods by 9 months.

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My baby will be 8 months on the 22nd and still only eats purees and puffs and yogurt melts that I break in half. Don't worry. It is ok to take it slow. I tried a piece of avocado rather than mashed and it didn't go well. We're doing really well moving the puffs around now so maybe I'll try some other little soft foods again.

I never thought I would be scared but I am! lol.

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I work at my LO's daycare and she eats what the other little ones eat. She gets all the veggies (not the corn) and I just pick and choose the other options that they have for that day. Of course if we have taco salad that day she only gets the meat from that. I just do small pieces.

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She eats all finger foods. I kept my other daughter on purées way too long and she still has texture issues at 2 1/2 and doesn't eat much. This one (almost 9 months) eats most fruits - bananas, avocados, peaches, strawberries, blueberries, etc. she LOVES roaster cubes of sweet potato and shredded chicken. She'll gnaw on pizza crust and little bits of pasta. Basically whatever we eat if it's soft and cut small. She does great feeding herself too. Their gums are very strong and they don't need teeth to chew.

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My little loves puffs, little tortilla pieces, tiny pieces of yolk, mashed banana pieces, tiny pieces of chicken, mashed potatoes, tiny pieces of broccoli, tiny pieces of cooked carrots

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Mine also has no teeth!! But a strong grip lol

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We do BLW but daycare will only give homemade mashed food. Myles does great w solids. We give him halved or quartered nectarines, avocado, roasted everything (chicken, asparagus, carrots) solid enough to hold but soft enough to "chew" or gum.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.