Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (2024)

Table of Contents
Monday 26 January 2015 Honey, cinnamon and almonds sweet bread Wednesday 16 April 2014 "Galatenio" - Traditional sweet Easter tsoureki bread scented with mild spices Thursday 20 February 2014 Traditional cheese bread scented with saffron and nutmeg Tuesday 31 December 2013 FESTIVE SEASON 2013-2014: St. Basil's pie "a la Polita" - Another version of the traditional New Year's cake Tuesday 24 December 2013 FESTIVE SEASON 2013-2014: "Christopsomo" - Traditional Christmas spiced sweet bread Sunday 1 December 2013 BAKING BREAD WEEK 1: Savoury loaf filled with mildly spiced ground meat and Feta cheese - A bread which is a meal on its own! Saturday 30 November 2013 BAKING BREAD WEEK 1: Aromatic Tsoureki breads with double chocolate filling and almonds crust Friday 29 November 2013 BAKING BREAD WEEK 1: Easy recipe for beer bread + a few good ideas to perk it up Thursday 28 November 2013 BAKING BREAD WEEK 1: All-season sweet bread rolls with cranberries and dried figs Wednesday 27 November 2013 BAKING BREAD WEEK 1: Individual bread rolls with caramelised onions Tuesday 26 November 2013 BAKING BREAD WEEK 1: Sweet bread with honey, hazelnuts and saffron Monday 25 November 2013 BAKING BREAD WEEK 1: Classic cheese bread with Feta cheese Saturday 5 October 2013 Sweet banana and cocoa bread with walnuts Saturday 17 August 2013 Sourdough country-style homemade bread Saturday 22 June 2013 Homemade walnut and raisins bread Saturday 20 April 2013 Feta cheese and olives homemade bread kneaded with beer Thursday 7 February 2013 Homemade white breads with apples and cinnamon Thursday 17 January 2013 Cheese, red onion and fresh sage homemade flat bread Monday 10 December 2012 Crunchy Tsoureki bread filled with tahini paste and walnuts Monday 3 December 2012 Homemade individual breads with paprika References

Showing posts with label BREADS Sweet and Savoury. Show all posts

Showing posts with label BREADS Sweet and Savoury. Show all posts

Monday 26 January 2015

Honey, cinnamon and almonds sweet bread

This is an easy and rather fast in preparation comparing to other recipes, sweet bread. Very tasty indeed, where its texture is something between a classic Greek Tsoureki and a Brioche. Great for breakfast or a light snack for all hours. Enrich the flavour of it (admittedly the calories as well) by adding in some dark chocolate

Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (1)

Wednesday 16 April 2014

"Galatenio" - Traditional sweet Easter tsoureki bread scented with mild spices

Beside the Easter red eggs (that I was telling you about yesterday) another traditional sweet treat made (usually) on Holy Thursday is the making of the Easter Tsoureki bread. A semi-sweet, yeasted bread full of taste and aromas of various spices. There are different versions of Tsoureki bread (which nowadays can be found in the bakeries all year round) depending on the region it is coming from as well as Lenten variations of it for those who want something nice during the fasting period. The Tsoureki bread we have today is a traditional recipe coming from Karpathos, one of theDodecanese islands in the southeastern Aegean Sea. Its name "Galatenio" literally means "milky" and this specific recipe includes soured milk (which is widely consumed in Greece and other countries in Europe) instead of the classic milk and which of course has nothing to do with spoiled milk that has gone off naturally. Another difference from the classic Tsoureki bread recipes is that, beside the mastic, spices like cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon are added giving a special flavour to the bread. You'll see that the quantity of the ingredients is big in this recipe and it is up to you if you'll make plenty of smaller individual breads or a few bigger ones. Also the shape you'll give to the dough is up to you. Wreaths, twisted or braided will all look nice and they will be delicious

Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (2)

Thursday 20 February 2014

Traditional cheese bread scented with saffron and nutmeg

Another delicious homemade bread to enjoy as a snack or along with any comfort meal. A bit different from the classic recipes this cheese bread is enriched with the distinctive but elegant aroma and taste of the saffron and a pinch of nutmeg which together make it really special in taste

Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (3)

Tuesday 31 December 2013

FESTIVE SEASON 2013-2014: St. Basil's pie "a la Polita" - Another version of the traditional New Year's cake

That special time is knocking at our doors again... The time to say "good bye" to the current year and "welcome" the New one full of hopes and expectations for us and our beloved. And in Greece, today on New Year's Eve, in most households the main star of the day is the "Vassilopita" cake (St. Basil's pie). That delicious cake (mainly sweet but also savoury in some regions) which is not just any cake. It is a special tradition and festivities would not be the same without it. I have told you in the past about St. Basil, his role and what he means to the Greeks and the significance behind the preparation of this cake. There are different versions of Vassilopita around the country but all of them have something in common. The coin we put in while preparing it and which, according to the tradition, brings luck and good health for the rest of the year to the person who might end up with the specific piece of the cake. One quite popular version of this cake is the one resembling the traditional Tsoureki sweet bread and which we call "Politiki Vassilopita" ("a la Polita") probably because its origin goes back to the Greeks from Asia Minor, whom we have to thank especially for all the delicious culinary treasures they brought with them years ago. Admittedly this is not the fastest or easiest version of Vassilopita. Like the Tsoureki bread it demands time and patience to rise properly and perhaps it is not the best choice for those who are not so experienced in home bread making. But for those who'd like to try it out I have to say that their time and effort will be fully rewarded! Full of taste and aromas thanks to the aromatic spices this fluffy cake/pie/bread could become a favourite and for the non-Greeks a year round sweet delicacy to enjoy with a cup of coffee or tea

Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (4)

Tuesday 24 December 2013

FESTIVE SEASON 2013-2014: "Christopsomo" - Traditional Christmas spiced sweet bread

The "Christopsomo" (Christ's bread) is a tradition found more or less all around the country and there are various versions of it depending on the region it comes from. Nowadays, of course, more often people buy their savoury or sweet Christmas bread at the bakery shop but in the past the families were preparing this significant for the season bread at home. The recipe I present you today is one of a lightly sweet taste with the addition of some amazing aromatic spices in it and the distinctive but elegant flavour of mastic

Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (5)

Sunday 1 December 2013

BAKING BREAD WEEK 1: Savoury loaf filled with mildly spiced ground meat and Feta cheese - A bread which is a meal on its own!

My preference for savoury "things" as opposed to sweet onesmust be rather known to many of you by now.... Anotherweakness of mine,not so well known perhaps, is the freshly baked homemade breads. And of course the savoury ones! Imagine my pleasure every timerecipes like today's are discovered! Not only a savoury homemade bread but filled with some flavoursome filling at the same time! How deliciously exciting! A bread that can easily get packed to take with you at a picnic, to serve proudly at a children's party or to serve as a light meal with some salad. Things can get easier if you prepare theground meat the day before or if there is any leftover meat saucefrom a previous meal so to gain some time. Just keep in mind that if you use any leftovers the sauce needsto go in the bread well drained of its juices

Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (6)

Saturday 30 November 2013

BAKING BREAD WEEK 1: Aromatic Tsoureki breads with double chocolate filling and almonds crust

Most of us (Greeks) when we talk about Tsoureki bread our mind turns to thoughts about Easter time and Christmas because this lightly sweet bread is so much connected to those two celebrations. And it was like this for God knows how long until this delicacy from a traditional sweet made at home started becoming a standard commercialised item at the bakeries and later on at the supermarkets. So, nowadays,you can find Tsoureki all year round and in so many different shapes and flavours that you wouldn't imagine! This recipe today combines the traditional flavour and method with a small modern, but delicious,twist making it a really great treat for all seasons!

Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (7)

Friday 29 November 2013

BAKING BREAD WEEK 1: Easy recipe for beer bread + a few good ideas to perk it up

With this recipe you don't need to worry about anything! No sifting or preparing a pre-dough, no hours of waiting to rise, not even any kneading! It is actually a great way for the beginners or those who are not so familiar with the "baking bread at home" to get used to the idea. Just a bowl, a whisk, a loaf tin, a well preheated oven and a few simple ingredients are enough to create a delicious homemade bread. After that a few tasty ideas to make this bread even more interesting in flavour!

Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (8)

Thursday 28 November 2013

BAKING BREAD WEEK 1: All-season sweet bread rolls with cranberries and dried figs

These sweet bread rolls are suitable for all hours and seasons! For your breakfast or just as a snack they are a great idea to make at home. Cranberries and dried figs go nicely together but it doesn't mean that you can not use different fruits like for example dates, blond raisins or finely chopped prunes. Using a muffin tin makes things easier so to have equal-sized rolls to present

Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (9)

Wednesday 27 November 2013

BAKING BREAD WEEK 1: Individual bread rolls with caramelised onions

These cute bread rolls, based on the idea of the Italian focaccia, they are great to be served any time or season and in any occasion! Okay, most breads require plenty of preparation but it is really worth the trouble and the time we spend and these rolls will reward you in the best way! Ideal for snack, picnic, served at any buffet or dinner gathering they will satisfy all those who can really appreciate the homemade fresh bread!

Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (10)

Tuesday 26 November 2013

BAKING BREAD WEEK 1: Sweet bread with honey, hazelnuts and saffron

Lightly sweet, this bread is a great idea to enjoy all day long as a snack or to accompany your tea or coffee with it! The hazelnuts give this beautiful nutty flavour and light crunchy texture and the saffron this distinctive colour and taste. Surely a bread for all seasons and how nice to be done by your own hands and have the house full of the aroma of the freshly baked bread!

Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (11)

Monday 25 November 2013

BAKING BREAD WEEK 1: Classic cheese bread with Feta cheese

Homemade bread! Who can say no to a freshly baked loaf in whichever form it is done... savoury or sweet, in the classic way or a bit different when stuffed with various tasty fillings.... always homemade bread brings smiles to people's faces and there are times that we could stay all day long with just a nice loaf of bread nibbling away.... Lets start this week with a classic Greek homemade bread, the "tyropsomo" which can, also, be served easily as a snack, something easy to take with you at a picnic or at work and great for the kids for their school lunch. This version is the most common you can find all over the country but it doesn't mean that it is common in flavour! A good quality of Feta cheese and olive oil are the secrets and then everything is easy

Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (12)

Saturday 5 October 2013

Sweet banana and cocoa bread with walnuts

As a snack, for your breakfast or as a dessert even, this easy-to-make bread will fill you with joy! Classic recipe, easy to find ingredients and with no trouble at all!

Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (13)

Saturday 17 August 2013

Sourdough country-style homemade bread

Most of you probably have your favourite recipe to follow for homemade bread but why not to try one more version for a change? Nothing new about the method really except that this bread includes three different types of flour. My mother, of course, has her own recipe to follow for years now which is the one her mother used to make before her but every now and then uses this recipe and it seems that she is pleased with the result. As for the rest of us, we are just happy to have fresh homemade bread at the table! Moist enough inside, crunchy on the outside, delicious and full of aroma! As you can imagine we don't care much about the type of the recipe:-))

Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (14)

Saturday 22 June 2013

Homemade walnut and raisins bread

A very tasty bread which can be made of course all year round and it is great to serve it either plain as a snack ornext to a platter with various cheeses and some good red wine

Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (15)

Saturday 20 April 2013

Feta cheese and olives homemade bread kneaded with beer

I'll never stop saying that nothing can beatfreshly baked homemade bread and those of you who are familiar tobakingknow how right I am! And why not to add a few more things in so to make it even more interesting and luscious? And what if these extra ingredients are Feta cheese and olives? Well then you'll find your self in front of a small miracle of taste and aroma! The ideal cheese in this bread is a hard and lightly pungentFeta giving extra flavour.You can use your favourite olives but Kalamata olivesare not a bad variety for this bread. As for the herbs, beside the oregano, marjoram or thyme both suit the recipe

Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (16)

Thursday 7 February 2013

Homemade white breads with apples and cinnamon

Delicious semi-sweet white breads to enjoy at your breakfast or to have as a snack! Freshly baked with the crunchiness of the refreshing apples and the special aroma of the cinnamon these breads are great to start your day in the best way!

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Thursday 17 January 2013

Cheese, red onion and fresh sage homemade flat bread

It takes time to prepare this recipe and it needs patience... but in the end you will be rewarded with a delicious bread and as you know nothing beats the taste and the aroma of freshly-baked homemade bread! If you don't like sage you can use another herb of course (when in season I find that the fresh oregano is an excellent choice!). Great idea to enjoy it as a snack at work, at school, a picnic or to have it even as a light meal along with a crispy salad

Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (18)

Monday 10 December 2012

Crunchy Tsoureki bread filled with tahini paste and walnuts

This is a very different versionfrom the classic recipeofTsoureki bread which we all know and love. The traditional recipe turns out into a verydelicious bread stuffed with a rich filling being crunchy, almost biscuity,on the outside to accompany your tea or coffee in the best way!

Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (19)

Monday 3 December 2012

Homemade individual breads with paprika

This is a really deliciousrecipe for bread and one of my favourites! Using the same dough (without the paprika) and rolling thin strips of the dough on sesame seeds or grated cheese, you can also make breadsticks! Then you just bake for 15 minutes to 150ΒΊC and you have a whole new version of the recipe!

Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (20)

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Amateur Cook Professional Eater - Greek recipes cooked again and again (2024)


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