Easy Sourdough Kvass Recipe - Natasha's Baking (2024)

Posted on July 11, 2020August 4, 2022 by Natalya Syanova 80 Comments

Easy Sourdough Kvass Recipe - Natasha's Baking (1)

Kvass is sweet carbonated drink, product of wild fermentation.

While my peers in the United States enjoyed the taste of Coca-Cola and Pepsi, children born in the Soviet Union were happy drinking kvass.

And now as a parent I try to instill healthy habits in my children who were born in the United States and serve them healthy homemade kvass using an easy recipe that I am about to share with you.

But let’s first understand why kvass is good for you.

Kvass is a traditional fermented beverage having a similar taste to beer. Much like kombucha because of its fermentation process and probiotic benefits, it is commonly made from sourdough starter. You can learn how to make starter from scratchhere.

Kvass improves digestion and boosts metabolism. It helps prevent infections and keep the heart and circulatory system healthy. Kvass simply makes one feel better as it contains lots of vitamins, free amino acids, micro elements and lactic acid.

Nutrition Facts

Kvass offers a wide range of nutrients, includingvitamin B12 and the mineralmanganese. Here is the nutritional background based on a 10-ounce serving of kvass made with sourdough. Note that it may vary based on the ingredients, as the beet variety also offers a host of other critical nutrients.

  • 76 calories
  • 0.6 grams fat
  • 114 milligrams sodium
  • 1.1 grams fiber
  • 1.6 grams protein
  • 16 gramscarbohydrate
  • 0.72 grams of vitamin B12 (12 percent DV)
  • 5.2 micrograms selenium (7.4 percent DV)
  • 0.14 grams manganese (7.2 percent DV)
  • 0.08 grams thiamine (5.0 percent DV)
  • 14.4 micrograms folate (3.6 percent DV)
  • 0.06 grams riboflavin/vitamin B2 (3.5 percent DV)
  • 0.64 grams niacin (3.2 percent DV)
  • 0.5 grams iron (2.8 percent DV)
  • 0.05 grams copper (2.4 percent DV)
  • 23 grams phosphorus (2.3 percent DV)
  • 8.8 grams magnesium (2.2 percent DV)

Since kvass is considered one of the greatprobiotic foods, there are many benefits such as improving intestinal tract health and enhancing the immune system, which makes nutrients more available to the body. [draxe.com]

After we’ve learned about the health benefits of kvass let’s dive in to the recipe.


For starter (levain)

For kvass


Night before:

  • Set up rye starter and let it ferment for 10-12 hours
Easy Sourdough Kvass Recipe - Natasha's Baking (2)

Next day:

  • Boil 3 liters of water.
Easy Sourdough Kvass Recipe - Natasha's Baking (3)
Easy Sourdough Kvass Recipe - Natasha's Baking (4)
  • Add sugar and malt, mix well until dissolved
Easy Sourdough Kvass Recipe - Natasha's Baking (5)
Easy Sourdough Kvass Recipe - Natasha's Baking (6)
  • Let it cool down to 36-40C/ 97-104F.
  • Add starter and mix very well.
  • Pour into a big jar, cover tight with lid, place in a dark warm place for 12 hours.
Easy Sourdough Kvass Recipe - Natasha's Baking (7)
Easy Sourdough Kvass Recipe - Natasha's Baking (8)
  • In 12 hours you should see activity and air bubbles movements in the liquid.
Easy Sourdough Kvass Recipe - Natasha's Baking (9)
  • With help of watering can pour liquid into 2-3 glass or plastic bottles (try to keep as much of the leftover flour inside the jar as possible) screw the lids tight.
  • Let it ferment for 8-12 hours at a room temperature.
  • Then transfer to the fridge.
  • Let it cool down

Please note, the salvaged flour leftovers could stay on the counter for up to 1 week. Before using it in the next batch, add 1 tablespoon of rye flour to it. This will become the starter replacement for your next batch of kvass.

Easy Sourdough Kvass Recipe - Natasha's Baking (10)

Hope you find this recipe helpful and enjoy kvass as much as my family does 🙌🙌🙌

Easy Sourdough Kvass Recipe - Natasha's Baking (11)

Related Posts

  1. Ville

    July 11, 2020

    Whoa! This is great!


    1. Natalya Syanova

      July 12, 2020

      Appreciate your feedback 🙌


      1. Pieter

        July 12, 2020

        Whoa this just went top of the list of what to try next, instantly supplanting kombucha… Thank you!

  2. Maria

    July 12, 2020

    Не видела этот рецепт ! Но вчера вечером начала готовить квас по рецептам из ваших сториз! А тут как раз опубликованный рецепт! Так что следующий на очереди)) спасибо огромное!


    1. Natalya Syanova

      July 12, 2020

      Спасибо, я очень рада 🙌


  3. July 12, 2020

    Hello! I’m Thiago from Brazil and found this recipe awesome!

    I was wondering if it’s possible to add other ingredients, like fruit juice in this recipe.



    1. Natalya Syanova

      July 12, 2020

      Thank you! You can add any chopped fruit or berries during the fermentation stage.


  4. Stephanie Koh @ Dailycrumbs

    July 12, 2020

    Thanks Natasha I am excited to try this! I am doing water kefir and here in Malaysia it is hot hotter hottest!


    1. Natalya Syanova

      July 13, 2020

      Thank you!
      I hope you like it.
      It’s very refreshing 😊


  5. Pier

    July 12, 2020

    Always a step ahead.. my friend !


    1. Natalya Syanova

      July 13, 2020

      Thank you 🙏☺️


  6. July 12, 2020

    Thank you Natasha for the recipe,. I never tried kvass with sd starter. But we used to make with borodinsky rye bread toast.
    And I think this mothod is the popular in Russia. Any way will try your method. Any sub for malt powder?


    1. Amanda Ball

      January 20, 2024

      Hi, could I use liquid malt extract instead of malt powder?


  7. Natalya Syanova

    July 13, 2020

    Actually only malt powder gives that specific flavor.
    I know my grandma used to do it with yeast and dark bread.
    But recipe with malt and sourdough starter is much better.


  8. André

    July 13, 2020

    Thanks for this recipe. I was wondering what is the benefit flavourwise of using rye sourdough instead of rye bread. Could you kindly elaborate on this? Why is it better, as you say? The result seems lighter in taste and colour than the bread-made kvass…


    1. Natalya Syanova

      July 13, 2020

      To make kvass active using only dark bread won’t be enough, you still will have to add yeast or starter to speed up the fermentation.
      Dark bread will give the color, but malt is giving specific flavor, that Kvass has to taste like 😊
      Also I was using barley malt powder, which is kind of light colored,
      But if you’ll be able to find rye malt, you’ll get deep dark color.


  9. Samantha

    July 14, 2020

    Thanks Natasha, can I use barley malt syrup??


  10. chucho

    July 14, 2020

    hola natasha!
    Tengo malta de cebada tostada, se puede reemplazar por misma cantidad o sugeris bajar la proporcion?


  11. Natalya Syanova

    July 14, 2020

    Hola chucho!
    try to add half of the required amount, and see how color will change. if it still will be light, add more .


    1. Chucho

      July 14, 2020

      Gracias! Probaremos entonces. Saludos desde Argentina !


  12. Paul

    July 15, 2020

    Hi Natasha, great recipe!

    Could you explain a bit more how exactly I would use the left over as starter for the next batch?



    1. Natalya Syanova

      July 16, 2020

      Leftover liquid with flour and all the bacteria I’m keeping covered on the counter up to 1 week.
      When you’ll plan to do next batch of the kvass, boil water, mix with sugar and malt, let cool,And add liquid leftovers from previous batch mixed with 1 Tbs of rye flour .
      Then follow all the directions.
      Every time you’ll have leftovers for next batch 😊


  13. Nariman Riahi

    July 17, 2020

    wow, never knew about Kvass. This looks very straight froward. Will make it.


    1. Natalya Syanova

      July 18, 2020

      Thank you!
      It’s so refreshing and good for you 😊


  14. Nariman

    July 17, 2020

    Natasha, When pouring from container into bottles, should I just strain it?


    1. Natalya Syanova

      July 18, 2020

      you do not need to strain the liquid, when you pour everything into bottles, the sediment from the flour will fall to the bottom on its own.


  15. Joyce

    July 18, 2020

    Thank you!
    It turned out really well, so have a second batch on the go.


    1. Natalya Syanova

      July 18, 2020

      Thank you for your feedback!
      Second batch will taste much better. And it supposed to be more active 🙏


  16. Anonymous

    July 23, 2020

    Наташа, скажите, а можно использовать вот такую malt flour: https://breadtopia.com/store/organic-diastatic-barley-malt-powder/ ? Очень хочется квасу выпить, вспомнить детство!



    1. Natalya Syanova

      July 23, 2020

      Я не пробовала, но думаю подойдёт.
      Посмотрите пожалуйста в рецепте есть ссылка на malt, которую я использую.
      Квас, это точно вкус детства 🙏


  17. July 25, 2020

    I lived in the USSR in the 80’s for a short while so I remember the big vehicle selling kvass (and the glass washing facility!). I will try your recipe soon as I always have starter but I need to buy malt powder.


    1. Natalya Syanova

      July 25, 2020

      The flavor is absolutely the same. You’ll love it 🙌


  18. Herman Bernström

    July 25, 2020

    I have a question regarding the first ferme ration in a warm, dark room. How tight should the lid be? I am worrying about a too tight lid might build up some pressure in the jar?



    1. Natalya Syanova

      July 26, 2020

      First 12 hours there won’t be much pressure. So don’t worry, close lid tight.
      Next 8-12 hours when you’ll pour Kvass in the bottles, more pressure will builds up.
      You have to close lids tight too, if you want you drink to be carbonated 😊


  19. Nohad Wesam

    July 27, 2020

    Hi Natasha if I will replace malt syrup for powder the same amount?


    1. Natalya Syanova

      July 28, 2020

      Yes it should be about 60-70g for 3 liters of water 😊


  20. August 11, 2020

    Hi Natasha, Angie from Portugal!

    First of all I want to thank you for your knowledge sharing!
    I love all the recipes you post and the simple way to explain each detail!

    One question, what is the shelf life for in the refrigerator?
    Thank you! And continuation of good work!
    Kiss, Angie


    1. Natalya Syanova

      September 17, 2020

      Angie, hi! Thank you for your kindness a as me support.
      It never stayed longer than 1 week in the fridge. So maybe it can stay longer, by my family loves it too much 😂


    2. Reza

      August 4, 2022

      That looks awesome. I’ll definitely try it 👌


      1. Natalya Syanova

        August 8, 2022

        Thank you 🙏

  21. Joelle Mabalatan

    August 20, 2020

    Hi Natasha, can I use white sugar instead of brown?


    1. Natalya Syanova

      August 22, 2020

      Yes, absolutely 🙏


  22. August 23, 2020

    I’ve got a jar of malt extract. I wonder if I can use it in place of sugar and malt powder. What do you think? I live in England so you might call it differently.


    1. Natalya Syanova

      August 24, 2020

      You can substitute malt with your malt extract, but you’ll have to still add the sugar 😊


      1. Hiroko

        August 25, 2020

        Thanks Natasha. But our malt extract in England is like honey.,.

      2. Natalya Syanova

        August 26, 2020

        Try to check in local beer stores, they might have malted rye or malted barley 🙏

  23. Greta

    August 29, 2020

    Thanks a lot for sharing the recipe. This has been my favorite drink since you shared the recipe. My question is, can we use starter discard or 1 week unfed starter from the fridge? How will it affect the fermentation process?



    1. Natalya Syanova

      August 30, 2020

      Greats, thank you for your feedback!
      I’ve never tried to add starter from the fridge , but you definitely can give it a try.
      It should work 🙏


  24. Trish

    September 16, 2020

    Hi what’s an alternative for barley malt powder? I live in a country where I cannot buy this. Thanks, exicted to make this if possible.


    1. Natalya Syanova

      September 17, 2020

      Trish , hi! How about rye malt, or maybe molasses?


  25. Alina

    May 18, 2021

    Thank you for this recipe! Can I substitute barley malt powder for molasses? If so, how much do I use?

    And for the leftover flour batch, do I add the tablespoon of the rye flour when I am ready to make the second batch?


    1. Natalya Syanova

      May 19, 2021

      Hi! I think you can try!
      But make adds specific Kvass flavor.


  26. HJ

    July 26, 2021

    Thank you for sharing. Really enjoy this recipe. I noticed the sediment getting more and more after each batch.
    Do i just let it be or i need to dispose some of the sediment after awhile? Thanks


    1. Natalya Syanova

      August 7, 2021

      You can continue to use it, until season is over ☺️


      1. HJ

        August 9, 2021

        How do you know the season is over? Thanks

  27. Joseph

    August 4, 2022

    Why did you choose to use non diastatic vs diastatic barley malt powder?


    1. Natalya Syanova

      August 8, 2022

      The one available was diastatic. And it worked very well.


  28. Masha

    August 4, 2022

    Hi can I use barley malt syrup I stead of powder? And how much of it?
    Thank you?!


    1. Natalya Syanova

      August 8, 2022

      I’ve never used syrup, but i would go with the same amount as regular malt.


  29. Anna

    August 4, 2022

    Is there any food safety concerns from using raw flour in the recipe?


    1. Natalya Syanova

      August 8, 2022

      It’s fermented flour, so it shouldn’t be a problem.
      The only safety, i would suggest using plastic bottles. Because glass bottle might explode.


  30. Christina

    August 4, 2022

    Could I use a sourdough starter that uses bread flour instead of rye?


    1. Natalya Syanova

      August 8, 2022

      You can, but with rye starter flavor will be better


  31. Zyanya Gorraez

    August 7, 2022

    Hi! I love this recipe and wanted to try it but I was wondering if the barley malt powder could be replaced or not used at all? I’m from Mexico and I haven’t been able to find it here unless I buy 5 kg at once 😅

    Thank you very much for sharing your recipes!


    1. Natalya Syanova

      August 8, 2022

      Thank you for your message. Only Malt powder can add that specific flavor to a Kvass. Check your local breweries, they might sell you smaller amount of malt.


  32. Nataliya

    August 13, 2022

    Hi, what does malt powder does in this recipe, was wondering if I can use malt beverage instead?


  33. Natasha

    August 15, 2022

    Do you strain it when drinking, I have lots of stuff coming out on top cause it has lots of gas when opening the bottle. I used malt beverage instead of the powder.


  34. Paige Woodward

    August 17, 2022

    Hi! I’m a tad confused…. What is the 10g “starter” in the recipe to make starter?? So there is an ingredient that is a “starter” that is used to make the starter? And where do you get this 10g starter? Is it something we purchase, or if we have to make that too, how do we do it? Thank you! ☺️


    1. BenC

      August 18, 2022

      Hello !
      Did you read the recipe from the beginning ?
      I think you will have the answer 🤗


    2. Natalya Syanova

      August 19, 2022

      Sorry for confusion.
      You can make your own starter



  35. Mikaela

    August 20, 2022

    My first attempt I killed my starter because the liquid was too hot, and my second attempt exploded two glass bottles all over my kitchen. Hoping my third attempt is more successful!!


    1. Natalya Syanova

      August 29, 2022

      Oh noo!
      I’m sorry. Hope it will work out.


  36. Amit

    August 29, 2022

    Thank you for your great content!
    I followed the recepie exactly as written but its been already more than 24 hours of fermentation and no bubbles yet, any idea what did I do wrong? I don’t think it’s the temperature as I measured it to be 40 degrees..
    Should I wait longer?


    1. Natalya Syanova

      September 13, 2022

      Just wait little longer, maybe your bacteria isn’t so active.


  37. William

    February 7, 2023

    Hi, Thank you for this recipe !

    I have 2 questions:

    1) how important is it to close tightly the lid during the first phase of fermentation ? I’m afraid of pressure building up in a glass jar..

    2) if I want to add fruit for alternative flavor, should it be during second phase ?

    Thanks !


    1. Natalya Syanova

      February 10, 2023

      For first fermentation the pressure won’t be too high!
      But for second fermentation , some people had problem with explosions of glass bottles ( pressure was crazy strong)
      And yes, add fruit for second phase.


      1. William

        February 14, 2023

        Hi Natalya thanks for the answer !
        I have actually made this recipe ! But my result is underwhelming. The drink is just a little bit fizzy. It doesn’t feel sweet, I guess the yeast has eaten the sugar already. What do you recommend ? I need to try with fruits also but I am not sure actually because the drink feels a little bit like coffee ! My barley powder was very black also, not similar to Yours in your pictures !

        Thanks !

      2. Natalya Syanova

        February 14, 2023

        William hi!
        First batch is always less fizzy, but if you’ll continue to make more, following batches will get more active and full of bubbles. Also maybe it’s not warm enough? Lower temperature can slow down the fermentation.
        About sugar- you can add more , and adjust it to your taste.
        Actually real Kvass has to be dark, like yours. At the moment when I was writing the recipe I had lighter barley malt.
        If you don’t like color, add less of malt. And fruits at second fermentation.

      3. William

        February 14, 2023

        I see thanks !

        Well it’s cold in my house but I’m using a proofing box so temperature wise it’s good. I will continue to experiment!

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Easy Sourdough Kvass Recipe - Natasha's Baking (2024)


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