Fresh Frisee Salad Recipe – A Satisfying Meal - Soup Chick (2024)

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I recommend this Frisée Salad Recipe one of the easiest ways to create a homemade delight. It blends curly frisée, crisp apples, and tangy vinaigrette. For a bold flavor twist, you’ll need fresh walnuts for crunch and blue cheese. This dish ensures your taste buds are treated to a unique texture experience. It’s best to serve it chilled; it’s usually a hit at gatherings, offering a refreshing but savory option.

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Embarking on a culinary journey across Europe and the Middle East, I discovered the vibrant world of salads.

A unique dish in a quaint Middle-Eastern bistro caught my eye: The Frisée Salad. Its crisp, slightly bitter leaves and tangy dressing offered a refreshing change from the usual greens.

Fresh Frisee Salad Recipe – A Satisfying Meal - Soup Chick (1)

I remember thinking, “How can I recreate this at home?” This Frisee Salad Recipe is a response to that challenge. Inspired by my travels, it brings your table a burst of international flavor.

Whether planning a sophisticated dinner or seeking a light, nutritious meal, this salad fits the bill.

Its combination of frisée, nuts, and cheese, dressed in a homemade vinaigrette, not only delights the palate but also adds a touch of gourmet to your everyday meals.

After friends raved about it during a recent dinner, I knew it was a recipe worth sharing.

What Is Frisee Salad?

Frisée salad is a fresh, crisp dish known for its signature ingredient: Frisée lettuce. With its curly, pale green leaves and slightly bitter taste, this lettuce is the heart of the salad.

It’s often paired with ingredients that complement its texture and flavor, like crunchy nuts, creamy cheese, and a tangy vinaigrette dressing.

This salad stands out for its unique blend of flavors and textures, making it a popular choice in gourmet dining and home cooking alike. Frisée salad is delicious and nutritious, offering a light yet satisfying meal option.

What Is The Origin Of Frisee Salad Recipe?

Frisee Salad Recipe, with its distinctive curly endive, traces its roots to European cuisine, particularly in France.

Historically, frisée, a chicory family member, has been a staple in French kitchens, celebrated for its slightly bitter taste and unique texture.

The classic frisée salad recipe emerged as a culinary staple in French bistros, often featuring lardons, poached eggs, and a Dijon mustard vinaigrette.

This combination showcases the balance of textures and flavors, a hallmark of French cooking.

Over time, the salad has evolved, incorporating various ingredients while maintaining its classic base. It has gained popularity worldwide for its versatility and delightful taste.

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Ingredients List

For Salad

1 large or small heads frisée2 to 3
orange1 Zest
Manchego cheese (or shaved Parmesan cheese; omit for vegan)1 ounce
sliced almonds2 tablespoons
A handful of fresh mint leaves (optional)

For Dressing

White Wine Vinegar2 tablespoons
Dijon Mustard1 tablespoon
Maple Syrup Or Honey1 tablespoon
Kosher Salt¼ teaspoon
Olive Oil6 tablespoons
Fresh Ground Black PepperTo taste
Fresh Frisee Salad Recipe – A Satisfying Meal - Soup Chick (3)

What Are The Variations Suitable For The Frisee Salad Recipe?

The frisée salad recipe offers a canvas for numerous variations, catering to diverse tastes and dietary preferences.

Lardon Luxe

Introduce crispy lardons for a savory, bacon-infused delight.

Poached Egg Perfection

Top with a poached egg for a rich and creamy texture.

Blue Cheese Burst

Crumble tangy blue cheese for a bold and luxurious flavor.

Citrus Symphony

Add segments of grapefruit or orange for a refreshing, citrusy twist.

Honey Dijon Elegance

Drizzle a honey Dijon vinaigrette for a sweet and tangy dressing.

Pomegranate Passion

Sprinkle pomegranate arils for bursts of color and tartness.

Caramelized Walnut Wonder

Toss in caramelized walnuts for a sweet and nutty crunch

What Are The Tips For The Frisee Salad Recipe?

When preparing the frisée salad, a few tips can elevate it from good to exceptional.

Firstly, choose the freshest frisée you can find; look for crisp, vibrant leaves, as they form the base of your salad.

Gently tearing the frisée instead of cutting helps retain its texture and prevents wilting.

If you’re worried about the bitterness, a quick blanching of the frisée can mellow its flavor.

For the dressing, I recommend whisking it well to emulsify the oil and vinegar, ensuring a balanced taste.

Adding the dressing just before serving ensures your salad remains crisp, not soggy. Lastly, consider toasting the almonds slightly for an enhanced nutty flavor.

These simple steps resolve issues commonly faced with salad preparation, leading to a delicious and visually appealing dish.

Are There Any Unusual Or Exotic Ingredients That Work Well With Frisee Salad Recipe?

  • Pomegranate Seeds: Their jewel-like appearance and burst of tart sweetness can add a stunning visual and flavor contrast to the salad.
  • Duck Confit: This rich and flavorful meat elevates the salad, offering a luxurious twist to the traditional recipe.
  • Figs: Fresh or dried, figs bring a sweet, chewy element that complements the frisée’s bitterness.
  • Truffle Oil: A drizzle of truffle oil in the dressing can add an earthy, luxurious aroma and taste.
  • Edible Flowers: Flowers like nasturtiums or violets make the salad visually striking and add a subtle, unique flavor.
  • Pickled Shallots or Vegetables: These can introduce a tangy, sharp element, balancing the frisée’s bitterness.
  • Exotic Nuts: Replacing almonds with candied walnuts or spiced pecans can add a unique twist.
  • Cheese Varieties: Experimenting with exotic cheeses like burrata or aged gouda can significantly alter the salad’s flavor profile.
  • Hemp Seeds: For a nutty, earthy taste and a boost of nutrition, sprinkle in some hemp seeds.
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Recipe Directions

Prepare The Frisée

  • Wash and dry the frisée thoroughly using a salad spinner or a clean towel.
  • Tear or chop the frisée into bite-sized pieces.

Prepare The Orange

  • Zest half the orange.
  • Segment the orange by following the steps in “How to Cut an Orange.”
  • Prepare Other Ingredients
  • Thinly slice the shallot.
  • Slice the Manchego cheese into thin pieces.

Make The Dressing

  • Whisk together the white wine vinegar, Dijon mustard, maple syrup or honey, and kosher salt in a medium bowl.
  • Gradually whisk in the olive oil, one tablespoon at a time, until a creamy dressing forms.
  • Add a few grinds of fresh ground black pepper to taste.
  • The dressing can be served immediately or refrigerated for up to 2 weeks. If refrigerated, bring it to room temperature before serving.

Assemble The Salad

  • Place the prepared greens on a large platter or on separate plates.
  • Top with the orange segments, sliced shallot, cheese, and sliced almonds.
  • Sprinkle with orange zest and mint leaves if using.
  • Drizzle with about 3 to 4 tablespoons of the dressing or to taste.

A 15-minute fresh frisée salad recipe . Make your mealtime satisfying and fresh with easy frisée salad.

What Herbs And Spices Work Well In Frisee Salad Recipe?

  • Dill: Its feathery texture and slightly sweet taste pair well with the frisée’s bitterness.
  • Tarragon: With its subtle anise-like flavor, tarragon can add a unique twist.
  • Chives: Their mild onion flavor complements the shallots and adds a fresh green touch.
  • Parsley: Flat-leaf parsley lends a bright, clean taste and vibrant color.
  • Thyme: A few thyme sprigs can infuse an earthy, lemony essence.
  • Basil: Basil can introduce a sweet and peppery flavor in summer.
  • Cumin: A pinch of ground cumin in the dressing can add warmth and depth.
  • Coriander: Ground coriander brings a citrusy, nutty flavor, pairing nicely with the orange elements.
  • Fennel Seeds: They offer a subtle licorice hint, echoing the frisée’s natural bitterness.
  • Sumac: Sumac’s tangy, lemony flavor works beautifully for a Middle Eastern touch.
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Nutritional Values

Frisée salad is not only a culinary delight but also a nutritional powerhouse. Rich in vitamins A and K, frisée contributes to eye health and bone strength.

The added ingredients like orange segments and almonds introduce vitamin C and healthy fats, boosting immune function and heart health.

The Manchego or Parmesan cheese adds a dose of calcium and protein. Overall, this salad is low in calories yet high in fiber, making it an excellent choice for a nutritious meal.

What Are The Total Calories In The Salad?

The total calorie count in a frisée salad can vary based on the specific ingredients and their quantities.

Generally, a serving of frisée salad with the mentioned ingredients – frisée lettuce, orange, shallot, Manchego cheese, almonds, and the homemade vinaigrette – amounts to approximately 200-250 calories per serving.

This estimate accounts for the wholesome yet light nature of the salad, making it a favorable option for those mindful of their calorie intake.

Health Benefits Of The Frisee Salad Recipe

Rich In Vitamins

Frisée is high in vitamins A and K, crucial for maintaining good vision, bone health, and blood clotting.

Antioxidant Properties

The oranges provide a healthy dose of vitamin C, known for its antioxidant properties and immune system support.

Heart Health

Olive oil and almonds contribute healthy fats, particularly monounsaturated fats, which are beneficial for heart health

Digestive Health

High in dietary fiber, frisée aids digestion and promotes gut health.

Low In Calories

This salad is naturally low in calories, making it ideal for weight management.

Bone Strengthening

Cheese offers calcium, essential for strong bones and teeth

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Ingredients like olive oil and nuts have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation in the body.

Blood Sugar Control

The salad’s low glycemic index helps maintain stable blood sugar levels.


High water content in the greens and oranges helps keep the body hydrated.

Mental Health

Nutrients like folate in greens and omega-3 fatty acids in nuts are linked to improved brain function and mental health.

Nutrition Table

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What Dressings Are Best Served With Frisee Salad Recipe?

  • Classic Vinaigrette: A blend of olive oil, white wine vinegar, Dijon mustard, and a hint of honey or maple syrup complements the frisée’s bitterness.
  • Balsamic Reduction: A balsamic reduction adds a sweet and tangy flavor, perfect for balancing the salad’s taste profile.
  • Lemon-Tahini Dressing: For a creamy, nutty flavor, a lemon-tahini dressing works wonders, especially for vegan variations.
  • Blue Cheese Dressing: A rich and tangy blue cheese dressing can elevate the salad, offering a bold contrast to the frisée.
  • Citrus Vinaigrette: A zesty citrus vinaigrette made with orange or lemon juice, olive oil, and a touch of sweetener can bring out the salad’s freshness.
  • Herb-Infused Oil: A light dressing of herb-infused oil keeps it simple yet flavorful, letting the natural tastes of the ingredients shine.
  • Raspberry Vinaigrette: A fruity raspberry vinaigrette adds a sweet and tart dimension, perfect for a summer salad variation.
Fresh Frisee Salad Recipe – A Satisfying Meal - Soup Chick (7)

Enjoy A satisfying meal with fresh frisée salad—a delightful blend of freshness and flavor.

Are There Any Unique Toppings That Can Elevate The Crunch Factor Of Frisee Salad?

  • Crispy Chickpeas: Roasted until golden, they add a satisfying crunch and a protein boost.
  • Toasted Quinoa: Each bite offers a nutty flavor and a delightful little pop.
  • Pumpkin Seeds: Their earthy crunch is both nutritious and flavorful.
  • Pita Chips: Crushed pita chips can provide a Mediterranean twist with a crispy texture.
  • Crispy Shallots: Thinly sliced and fried shallots bring a sweet, caramelized crunch.
  • Sunflower Seeds: These tiny seeds deliver a subtle bite and are packed with nutrients.
  • Sesame Sticks: Their unique shape and toasty flavor make for an exciting addition.
  • Bacon Bits: For a non-vegetarian option, crispy bacon bits can add a savory crunch.
Fresh Frisee Salad Recipe – A Satisfying Meal - Soup Chick (8)

What Is The Difference Between Homemade And Store-Bought Frisee Salad Recipe?

  • Freshness: Homemade salads typically use fresher ingredients, especially the frisée, which are more vibrant and crisp than pre-packaged salads.
  • Customization: When making it at home, you can tailor the salad to your taste preferences, adjusting ingredients and quantities as desired.
  • Dressing Quality: Homemade dressings are often fresher and free from preservatives, offering a more natural and robust flavor.
  • Nutritional Value: Home-cooked salads usually contain fewer additives and preservatives, making them healthier.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Preparing the salad at home can be more cost-effective than buying pre-made versions.
  • Texture: The texture of homemade salads tends to be better, as they lack the wilting or sogginess sometimes found in store-bought salads.
  • Ingredient Varieties: Homemade salads offer the freedom to incorporate exotic or specific ingredients that might not be present in store-bought versions.
  • Love and Care: A homemade salad often comes with the added benefit of being made with personal care and attention, making it more enjoyable.

How Can You Store Or Preserve The Frisee Salad Recipe Leftovers?

  • Separate Components: Store the dressing separately from the greens to prevent wilting.
  • Airtight Containers: Place the salad greens in an airtight container lined with a paper towel to absorb excess moisture.
  • Refrigeration: Keep the salad and dressing in the refrigerator. The salad stays fresh for 1-2 days, while the dressing can last up to two weeks.
  • Avoid Freezing: Freezing is not recommended, as it can significantly affect the salad’s texture.
  • Revitalize Greens: If the greens seem a bit wilted, a quick ice water bath before serving can revive them.
  • Quick Use: It’s best to consume leftover salad within a day or two to enjoy its optimal freshness and taste.
Fresh Frisee Salad Recipe – A Satisfying Meal - Soup Chick (9)

Special Tools & Equipment List

  • Salad Spinner: Essential for washing and drying the frisée leaves efficiently.
  • Sharp Chef’s Knife: For chopping or tearing the frisée and slicing ingredients like shallots and cheese.
  • Cutting Board: A stable surface for all your chopping and slicing needs.
  • Citrus Zester: Ideal for zesting the orange with ease.
  • Small Mixing Bowls: Useful for whisking together the dressing and segmenting the orange.
  • Whisk: A whisk is crucial for emulsifying the dressing ingredients.
  • Measuring Spoons and Cups: For accurately measuring the dressing ingredients.
  • Peeler or Cheese Slicer: For shaving the cheese into thin slices.
  • Serving Platter or Individual Plates: For presenting the salad in an appealing way.
  • Tongs: Helpful for tossing and serving the salad.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use A Different Type Of Lettuce For The Frisée Salad?

Yes, you can substitute frisée with other types of lettuce if desired. Options like baby spinach, arugula, or mixed greens work well.

Each type brings its unique flavor and texture. Arugula offers a peppery taste, while baby spinach provides a milder flavor.

The key is to choose a lettuce that pairs well with the other ingredients in terms of flavor and texture.

What Can I Use Instead Of Manchego Cheese?

Suppose Manchego cheese isn’t available or you prefer a different taste. In that case, alternatives like shaved Parmesan, feta, or goat cheese are excellent choices.

Each cheese adds its unique flavor profile – Parmesan offers a nutty and salty taste, feta brings a tangy and creamy texture, and goat cheese adds a distinct tartness.

The choice of cheese can change the overall character of the salad, so select one that aligns with your taste preferences.

Is Frisée Salad Suitable For A Vegan Diet?

The basic frisée salad can be easily adapted for a vegan diet by omitting or substituting the cheese. Instead of Manchego, use a vegan cheese alternative or simply leave it out.

Also, ensure the dressing is vegan-friendly, which might involve substituting honey with maple syrup or agave nectar. With these adjustments, the salad becomes a delightful vegan option.

How Long Can I Store The Homemade Dressing?

The homemade dressing for the frisée salad can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

Before using it again, give it a good stir or shake to ensure the ingredients are well emulsified.

Always check for any signs of spoilage before using, though. Fresh ingredients and no preservatives mean its shelf life is limited.

Can I Add Meat To The Frisée Salad?

Absolutely! Adding meat like grilled chicken, bacon, or smoked salmon can transform the salad into a more filling meal.

Grilled chicken adds a lean protein source, bacon brings a smoky flavor and additional crunch, and smoked salmon offers a rich, oily texture and a boost of omega-3 fatty acids.

These protein additions make the salad more substantial, perfect for those looking for a heartier dish.

Fresh Frisee Salad Recipe – A Satisfying Meal - Soup Chick (10)

Fresh Frisee Salad Recipe – A Satisfying Meal

5 from 2 votes

Recipe by Lana RiveraCourse: Salads




Prep time






This Frisee Salad Recipe is a delightful blend of crisp frisée lettuce, tangy orange, and rich Manchego cheese, complemented by the crunch of sliced almonds. It’s dressed in a homemade vinaigrette that perfectly balances the slight bitterness of the greens. Ideal for a light lunch or as a sophisticated side dish, this salad is a feast for the taste buds and a visual delight with its vibrant colors and varied textures.


  • 1 Large or Small Heads Frisée

  • 1 1 Orange

  • 1 Zest 1 Orange

  • 1 1 Shallot

  • 1 Ounce 1 Manchego Cheese (or shaved Parmesan cheese; omit For Vegan)

  • 2 Tablespoons 2 Sliced Almonds

  • A handful of Fresh Mint Leaves (optional)

  • For Dressing
  • 2 Tablespoons 2 White Wine Vinegar

  • 1 Tablespoon 1 Dijon Mustard

  • 1 Tablespoon 1 Maple Syrup Or Honey

  • ¼ Teaspoon ¼ Kosher Salt

  • 6 Tablespoons 6 Olive Oil

  • Fresh Ground Black Pepper (To Taste)

Step-By-Step Directions

  • Prepare The Frisée
    Wash The frisée lettuce thoroughly under cold water.
    Dry the frisée using a salad spinner or pat it dry gently with a clean towel.
    Tear or chop the frisée into bite-sized pieces and set aside.
    Zest and Segment the Orange
    Zest half of the orange, ensuring you only get the orange part of the peel, not the bitter white pith.
    Segment the orange by cutting between the membranes to release the segments. Refer to “How to Cut an Orange” for detailed instructions.
  • Prepare Shallot And Cheese
    Thinly slice the shallot and set aside.
    Slice the Manchego cheese into thin pieces. If you prefer, you can also shave the cheese.
  • Make The Dressing
    Whisk Together the white wine vinegar, Dijon mustard, maple syrup or honey, and kosher salt in a medium bowl.
    Gradually whisk in the olive oil, one tablespoon at a time, until the dressing becomes creamy and emulsified.
    Season with a few grinds of fresh ground black pepper to taste.
    You can use the dressing immediately or store it in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Remember to bring it to room temperature before serving if refrigerated.
  • Assemble The Salad
    Place The prepared frisée greens on a large serving platter or distribute them onto individual plates.
    Top the greens with the orange segments, thinly sliced shallot, pieces of cheese, and sliced almonds.
    Sprinkle the orange zest over the salad, and add fresh mint leaves if you use them.
    Drizzle 3 to 4 tablespoons of the prepared dressing over the salad, or adjust to your taste.


  • Ingredient Variations: Feel free to substitute ingredients based on availability or dietary preferences. For instance, swap out Manchego cheese with vegan cheese for a plant-based version.
  • Dressing Tips: For the best flavor, prepare the dressing ahead of time, allowing the flavors to meld together.
  • Serving Suggestion: This salad pairs wonderfully with grilled meats or a hearty soup for a more filling meal.
  • Health Benefits: Packed with vitamins and fiber, it’s a healthy choice that doesn’t compromise flavor.
  • Preparation Ahead: You can prepare the components in advance, but assemble the salad close to serving time to maintain freshness.

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Lana Rivera

Lana is an experienced soup specialist known for her dedication to crafting delicious soup recipes. Certified by Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts under the Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Program, her comprehensive and versatile soup-making expertise caters to a global audience of soup enthusiasts. Lana's passion for soups originated during her college years amidst a busy student lifestyle. Appearing in TV programs and with ebooks available, she offers convenient meal prepping. Soup Chick is a testament to her commitment to fostering a vibrant and engaging soup-loving community, which made her join Soup Chick to pursue her passion.

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Fresh Frisee Salad Recipe – A Satisfying Meal - Soup Chick (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.