What is Mushroom Spawn? (all different Types explained) - Mushrooms Online (2024)

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Mushroom spawn is essentially a mycelium “seed” used for mushroom production. It is with spawn that mushroom growers inoculate their bulk growth substrate. After inoculating a substrate with spawn, its mycelium colonizes the substrate. After colonization, the fungus produces the prized mushroom fruiting bodies. You can also spread spawn onto agar, liquid culture, or a solid substrate for making more spawn.

Mushroom Spawn is for spreading Mycelium

Mycelium is the white filamentous part of mushroom-forming fungi. It’s a web-like network of small white threads often seen on the forest floor. Mycelium is the body of the fungi, whereas mushrooms are the reproductive structures.

Mycelium can be easily cloned. Any cell can form a new and independent colony. This is how spawn works. You take your colonized spawn, break it up, and use it to inoculate a new substrate. You only need about 5% spawn to fully colonize a substrate. This means 1kg of spawn can inoculate 20kg of growth substrate!

Inoculation is the act of introducing a fungal culture into a new growth medium. The word “inoculum” refers to the source of the culture used during inoculation. Other examples of inoculums are agar, liquid cultures, or even tissues of a mushroom.

Mushroom Spawn should be clean!

Mushroom spawn has to be completely clean and free of contaminants. If spawn has contamination, you will be off to a bad start. Since spawn is often grown on nutrient-rich substrates, it is prone to contamination.

For this reason, spawn production takes place under highly controlled conditions. This means complete sterilization and good sterile technique. Most spawn production occurs in laboratory-like conditions using a laminar flow hood. Even still, it is possible to produce spawn at home with the right technique. Some varieties like Oyster Mushrooms are easier to work with.

How to know you have clean, High-Quality Spawn?

  • It is completely white and colonized by mycelium
  • No odd colors or discoloration
  • No parts of the spawn lack colonization
  • Your spawn may be too old if it is difficult to break apart or has started to pin

Types of Mushroom Spawn

Mushroom spawn is most often grown of different types of grain, but it can be grown on other types of material. It is most often grown within jars or mushroom grow bags.

Mason Jars vs Grow Bags for Mushroom Spawn

Mason Jars and Grow Bags are the two most common growth vessels for the mushroom spawn. They each have their pros/cons depending on your goals and preferences.

Mason Jars are great for spawn for the following reasons:

  • You can find them almost anywhere
  • They are 100% reusable
  • They come in various sizes
  • Jar lids are easily modified for spawn production

There are some downsides to mason jars. Mostly it’s that they don’t work well with anything bigger than quart-size jars. They only breathe through the top, so proper air exchange is hard to achieve with larger jars. The other downside is they need cleaning, so this can become laborious.

Grow Bags have benefits as well, including;

  • They are prefabricated and need no modifications
  • You can grow larger quantities of spawn
  • Inexpensive for commercial spawn production
  • Don’t require cleaning

The bad thing about grow bags is that they create plastic waste. They are also not easily accessible to people in remote areas.

Growth Mediums for Spawn

What makes a good growth Medium for Mushroom Spawn?

  1. The material should be nutritious and allow for vigorous mushroom growth. This will allow mycelium to spread aggressively after inoculation.
  2. The material should be easy to spread and disperse. This usually means a material composed of small and hom*ogenous pieces. Smaller material will have more “inoculation points” from which the mycelium can spread.

Mushroom Grain Spawn

This is the most conventional and common form of mushroom spawn. Grain works as a perfect medium for spawn for several reasons. It has a high nutrient content, is small in size, and easily accessible.

Types of Grain Spawn

  • Rye Grain: This is the most common and recommended type of grain spawn. Most mushrooms love it, and it’s less delicate than other grains.
  • Wheat Berries: Wheat berries are a bit easier to get and also work great. It’s important to properly process wheat berries because they are easier to overcook. This results in a less favorable mushy texture. It is also difficult to spread and prone to contamination.
  • Barley: Barley can work as a grain spawn, but is less favored than other grains.
  • Sorghum: Sorghum works great as grain spawn. It is often used by commercial spawn producers. Animal-grade sorghum can be one of your most inexpensive options for the spawn.
  • Popcorn: Popcorn works for making grain spawn and is easily accessible. You may already have some in your cupboard! While it works well, there are a couple of downsides. It’s more expensive, colonizes slower, and results in fewer inoculation points.

Sawdust Spawn

Sawdust spawn is pretty common, but usually less effective than grain spawn. If you plan to make sawdust spawn, make sure you get 100% pure hardwood sawdust.

  • Cheap and accessible
  • Doesn’t attract rodents, birds, and other critters
  • Works great for logs and other outdoor inoculations
  • Also works well for transferring to hardwood fruiting substrates
  • Less prone to contamination

Pros and Cons of Sawdust Spawn


  • Cheap and accessible
  • Doesn’t attract rodents, birds, and other critters
  • Works great for logs and other outdoor inoculations
  • Also works well for transferring to hardwood fruiting substrates
  • Less prone to contamination


  • Spawn takes longer to colonize
  • Not effective for inoculating straw, agricultural waste, and other non-wood substrates
  • Substrates inoculated with sawdust spawn colonize slower
  • May result in smaller yields
  • It may be difficult to get pure hardwood sawdust

Other Growth Mediums used for Spawn

  • Wild Bird Seed – Works well, but is expensive. Also, birdseed is unregulated, so its cleanliness is questionable.
  • Coffee – Not recommended because it has high rates of contamination. It also does not provide a balanced nutrient source.
  • Rice – Rice can work as a medium for grain spawn, but it is less recommended. If you are using rice, make sure to use brown rice, as white rice becomes mushy!

How is Spawn made?

You can make mushroom spawn in different ways. The basic process involves introducing a living culture into a sterilized growth medium. The source of the mushroom culture, the growth medium, and the growth vessel can vary. There are three main ways to make spawn.

1. Making Spawn from Agar

This technique requires sterile conditions as it is prone to contamination. In this case, you introduce a small piece of colonized agar into a sterilized substrate. Since the quantity of inoculum is small, this is a slow process.

2. Making Spawn from liquid Culture

Spawn is also made with liquid cultures. Liquid cultures are mycelium grown on a liquid medium. You transfer liquid cultures via syringe through a self-sealing injection port. This may be the most effective way to make spawn without laboratory conditions.

3. Making Spawn from Spawn

When using grain, this is called a “Grain To Grain Transfer”. Spawn for vigorous mushrooms like oysters don’t require a laminar flow hood. You will still need to practice proper technique and cleanliness. More sensitive varieties will need a flow hood and good technique.

How do I inoculate with Spawn?

Inoculation using spawn varies in difficulty depending on your mushroom variety. In general, hardy mushroom species like oysters can be easily grown from spawn. This is especially true on non-supplemented substrates. Highly nutritious substrates will be more prone to contamination. Lions Mane, Shiitake, and other less resistant species require more precautions.

Inoculating with Spawn the easy way

This method works great for growing oysters on straw or non-supplemented sawdust. You don’t need a laboratory or fancy equipment.

  1. Pasteurize your substrate either at high temperatures or in an alkaline lime bath.
  2. Drain your substrate of any excessive moisture for 4-5 hours.
  3. Take your growth vessel and begin making layers of substrate and spawn. Just like a cake! You only need about 5-10% spawn.

Inoculating with Spawn for more finicky Mushrooms and Substrates

Sometimes you can’t do it the easy way. This is usually because you’re using supplemented substrates, or it’s a finicky mushroom. Supplemented substrates result in larger yields, but have greater risks of contamination. This is why you have to be more careful with nutrient-rich substrates.

Finicky grows need sterilization of the substrate. This means pressure-cooking your substrate at 15 PSI for 1-2 hours! It also means using a sterile technique and either a laminar flow hood or a still air box.

  • Laminar Flow Hoods: These are devices that emit a continuous flow of clean filtered air. Inoculations and sterile work done in front of a flow hood are less prone to contamination. Laminar flow hoods are expensive but highly effective.
  • Still Air Box: This is a cheap way of reducing contamination. It’s similar to a glove box, but more practical. It’s a closed container whose only openings are for your hands to have access to the inside. You do all your work inside this still air box, where you have tried to create a sterile environment. They are less practical and effective than a laminar flow hood, but much cheaper to make.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

Mushroom Spawn: An Overview

Mushroom spawn is a crucial component in mushroom production, serving as the "seed" for cultivating mushrooms. It consists of mycelium, the white filamentous part of mushroom-forming fungi. Mycelium acts as the body of the fungi, while mushrooms are the reproductive structures. In this response, we will explore the concepts related to mushroom spawn, including its purpose, types, growth mediums, and the process of inoculation.

Mushroom Spawn for Spreading Mycelium

Mushroom spawn is used to spread mycelium onto a growth substrate, which is then colonized by the mycelium. Once colonization is complete, the mycelium produces mushroom fruiting bodies. Spawn can be spread onto various mediums, such as agar, liquid culture, or solid substrates, to create more spawn [[11]].

Mushroom Spawn Should Be Clean

To ensure successful mushroom cultivation, it is crucial that the mushroom spawn is clean and free of contaminants. Contamination can hinder the growth and development of mushrooms. Spawn production typically takes place under highly controlled conditions, often in laboratory-like settings using a laminar flow hood. However, it is possible to produce spawn at home with the right techniques, especially with varieties like Oyster Mushrooms that are easier to work with [[12]].

Types of Mushroom Spawn

Mushroom spawn is commonly grown on different types of grain, although it can also be cultivated on other materials. The two most common growth vessels for mushroom spawn are mason jars and grow bags. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on the specific goals and preferences of the cultivator [[14]].

  • Mason Jars: Mason jars are widely available, reusable, and come in various sizes. They can be easily modified for spawn production. However, they may not work well with larger jars as proper air exchange becomes challenging, and they require cleaning [[15]].
  • Grow Bags: Grow bags are prefabricated and require no modifications. They allow for larger quantities of spawn and are cost-effective for commercial spawn production. However, they contribute to plastic waste and may not be easily accessible in remote areas [[16]].

Growth Mediums for Spawn

A good growth medium for mushroom spawn should be nutritious and support vigorous mushroom growth. It should also be easy to spread and disperse, typically composed of small and hom*ogenous pieces that provide multiple inoculation points for mycelium to spread. The most common and conventional form of mushroom spawn is grain spawn, which is grown on different types of grain. Sawdust spawn is another option, particularly suitable for outdoor inoculations and transferring to hardwood fruiting substrates [[18]].

Mushroom Grain Spawn

Grain spawn is the most common and recommended type of mushroom spawn. It offers several advantages, including high nutrient content, small size, and easy accessibility. Different types of grain can be used for grain spawn, such as rye grain, wheat berries, barley, sorghum, and even popcorn. Rye grain is the most common and favored type, while wheat berries are easier to obtain. It is important to properly process the chosen grain to avoid overcooking or mushy texture [[19]].

Sawdust Spawn

Sawdust spawn is another type of mushroom spawn, commonly used but generally less effective than grain spawn. When making sawdust spawn, it is crucial to use 100% pure hardwood sawdust. Sawdust spawn is cheap, accessible, and suitable for outdoor inoculations and transferring to hardwood fruiting substrates. However, it may take longer to colonize and is not effective for inoculating non-wood substrates [[21]].

Other Growth Mediums Used for Spawn

Apart from grain and sawdust, there are other growth mediums that can be used for mushroom spawn:

  • Wild Bird Seed: While it works well, wild bird seed can be expensive and its cleanliness may be questionable as it is unregulated.
  • Coffee: Coffee is not recommended as a growth medium for spawn due to its high contamination rates and imbalanced nutrient source.
  • Rice: Rice can be used as a medium for grain spawn, but it is less recommended. Brown rice is preferred over white rice to avoid a mushy texture [[23]].

How is Spawn Made?

Spawn can be made using different methods, involving the introduction of a living culture into a sterilized growth medium. The source of the mushroom culture, the growth medium, and the growth vessel can vary. There are three main ways to make spawn:

  1. Making Spawn from Agar: This technique requires sterile conditions and involves introducing a small piece of colonized agar into a sterilized substrate. It is a slow process due to the small quantity of inoculum used [[25]].
  2. Making Spawn from Liquid Culture: Spawn can also be made using liquid cultures, which are mycelium grown on a liquid medium. Liquid cultures are transferred using a syringe through a self-sealing injection port. This method is effective for making spawn without laboratory conditions [[26]].
  3. Making Spawn from Spawn: When using grain, this method is known as "Grain To Grain Transfer." It is suitable for vigorous mushrooms like oysters and does not require a laminar flow hood. However, proper technique and cleanliness are still essential. More sensitive varieties may require a flow hood and stricter precautions [[27]].

Inoculating with Spawn

Inoculation with spawn involves introducing the spawn into a new growth medium. The difficulty of inoculation varies depending on the mushroom variety. Hardy species like oyster mushrooms can be easily grown from spawn, especially on non-supplemented substrates. However, more nutrient-rich substrates may be more prone to contamination. Finicky mushroom species like Lion's Mane and Shiitake require additional precautions, including sterilization of the substrate and the use of a laminar flow hood or a still air box [[29]].

  • Inoculating with Spawn the Easy Way: This method is suitable for growing oyster mushrooms on straw or non-supplemented sawdust. It does not require a laboratory or specialized equipment. The process involves pasteurizing the substrate, draining excessive moisture, and layering the substrate and spawn in a growth vessel [[30]].
  • Inoculating with Spawn for More Finicky Mushrooms and Substrates: Some mushrooms and nutrient-rich substrates require sterilization of the substrate. This involves pressure-cooking the substrate and practicing sterile technique using a laminar flow hood or a still air box. These precautions are necessary to minimize contamination risks and ensure successful cultivation [[31]].

I hope this comprehensive overview of mushroom spawn and related concepts provides you with the information you were seeking. If you have any further questions or need more specific details, feel free to ask!

What is Mushroom Spawn? (all different Types explained) - Mushrooms Online (2024)


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